Friday, January 16, 2009

US Chamber of Commerce head says American credibility could be hurt by rejecting FTAs with South Korea and Colombia

In a follow-up to this story, the president of AmCham (short name of the United States Chamber of Commerce), Thomas Donohue, says that American credibility would be damaged if Congress rejects the free-trade deals that the Bush administration has negotiated with countries such as South Korea and Colombia. 

From the article:
"I think if we started putting up free trade agreements and voting them down we would lose a lot of our credibility in trying to open markets around the world," Thomas Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, told reporters after a speech.

Donohue said he is convinced the landmark agreement with South Korea will pass —no such accord ever put up for a vote in Congress has failed — though may take time and will require some tweaking of issues in the sensitive auto sector.

I must say I like his optimism.

"This agreement is going to get done," Donohue said, referring to ratification, which is required by lawmakers in both countries for the pact to take effect.

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