Sunday, April 23, 2006

Tora, tora, tora!

An inside joke, perhaps, but this configuration of the comments on The Marmot's made me laugh:

Tora, tora, tora! 81
gbevers, gbevers, gbevers [...]

Gerry missed the Day That Will Live in Infamy, but he's still there to do his part to stand up for Imperial Japan (of whom Korea was the greatest ally).


  1. Off topic, but in the film, when it is announced that Japan has attacked French Indochina, the Korean subtitles read that Japan attacked France, India, and China.

  2. Oh, that just cracked me up. I don't usually like to share things from the blog with non-bloggers, but a British colleague also thought that was hilarious.

    If a translator didn't know their history/geography, 프랑스령 인도차이나 might sounds like a list of some sort: 프랑스, 인도, and 차이나. Hilarious!

  3. Kushibo,

    The discussion you linked to is on the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute, not on imperial Japan or World War II.

  4. No, Gerry, it's not about World War II directly. Your propensity to act as a forward force for Imperial Japanese apologism ties it together, though.

    But before you even wrote something here, I was going to add a remark that had it been "Baduk Baduk Baduk" underneath the "Tora, tora, tora," it would also have been amusing, but in a different direction (because of his propensity to call on various countries to attack each other).


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