Saturday, November 12, 2011


I celebrated Peppero Day (빼빼로 데이) by going to a Chinese restaurant that serves 자장면.

These noodles are laid out so they say "11-11-11," but they look a bit like we're getting ready to dissect some worms.

Yeah. I'm twelve years old.



  1. 짜장면 is the correct spelling.

  2. Actually, I think the National Academy of the Korean Language (or whatever the English title is) officially changed the spelling when they standardized it.

    I had always spelled it as you did, but if you look at the dictionaries that use official spelling (e.g., Yahoo! and Naver), if you type in 짜장면, they point you in the direction of 자장면.

    I prefer the 짜장면 spelling, since it's closer to how most people pronounce it. They did the same thing with 뻐스 for bus, changing it to 버스, even though the former (ㅃ) was closer to the hard "b" at the beginning of the word and the latter (ㅂ) sounds a bit more like a "p."

    Another one I always spelled one way that has been changed to another is 찌게, which is now officially 찌개.

  3. I prefer 찌개 to 찌게 although there is not as big of difference between these two than the 짜장/자장 spellings.

    Actually, I think the National Academy of the Korean Language (or whatever the English title is) officially changed the spelling when they standardized it.

    Standardized the romanization or the Korean language?

  4. kushibo,

    If you get a chance, you might want to check out the latest Simpsons episode, "The Food Wife," as kimchi has now made it into the show's musical lexicon. And on the plus side, it was actually a pretty decent episode.


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