Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Keeping up with the Jobses

Apple has announced the third generation of the iPhone: While the iPhone 3G (which is what I have been using to send random blog posts since last year) is a great little phone/camera/browser/emailer, the iPhone 3GS ("S" for speed) fills in some gaps missing in the 3G, like the ability to take video. It also has twice as much storage space as previous models (16GB and 32GB at $199 and $299). 

I'm a grad student on a budget, and that budget is largely in KRW which has taken a beating in the exchange markets, so I'll just keep my eleven-month-old 8GB iPhone 3G for the time being, which is now $99 if I ever lose it or some meth head in Hawaii steals it. At least the new software (iPhone 3.0) will make my old iPhone feel newer. 

And if anyone asks if it's the 3Gs, I can always just lie. 

[above: Scott Forstall, Apple senior vice president of iPhone software, introduces the iPhone 3Gs. Apple aficionados had hoped to see Steve Jobs at Apple's Worldwide Developer's conference yesterday, but he is still out due to health reasons.]

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