Thursday, March 22, 2012

Metropolitician recovering from stroke

Over at Zen Kimchi, you can read the details about the hospitalization and generally positive recovery of Michael Hurt, perhaps better known in the K-blogosphere as The Metropolitician (and founder of Yahae! Magzine), following a stroke.

Yeah, the guy's a bit young to be having one of those, often reserved for people of Kim Jong-il's age and terrible health habits.

When I have a chance, I might address some of the things Zen Kimchi mentions about needing to bring supplies for loved ones in the hospital and stuff like that — it's not always true, especially if you're willing to pay for upgraded rooms with more privacy, but it can be an eye-opener for those who are in the hospital on the cheap.

Anyway, maybe a bunch of K-bloggers can each contribute a Yahae!-worthy article to keep things running while he recuperates. In the meantime, thoughts and prayers go out to Mike for a speedy and full recovery. I hope your health insurance is treating you well.

And lay off the fried chicken! Sometimes you only get one warning.

UPDATE (July 2012):
Metropolitician is back, sort of. He's gotten much healthier and now he's working on his dissertation. I used to joke I'd finish mine before he finishes his, but I'd be pleased as punch if I'm wrong on that score. Go to his Facebook page and wish him well.



  1. I wish him a speedy recovery, but also wish him perhaps a dose of a little more humility, respect and understanding of the country of his mother's side of the family.

    1. As you can see in the update, he seems to be following your advice.


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