Sunday, September 6, 2009

More perviness from the Chosun Ilbo

Oh, how the CSI likes them Russian girls. Especially blondes.

There are several other pics besides the one below, which is the only unpixelated one in the bunch.

Is this sexy? I'm not really sure. Girls with excessive tattoos sort of frighten me. Not like I'm afraid they'll beat me up and set fire to my car, but more like I might get an STD just from being within several feet of them.

Anyway, when I first saw this I thought I should set up a twelve-step program (Pervs Not-So-Anonymous) for the CSI photogs and editors, but then I realized I could make loads of cash — using CSI as a willing accomplice — by posting some Tokto-themed porn.

Of course, combining porn with Tokto will cause computer hard drives and craniums to explode all across the Peninsula.

But that's their problem. I shall spend the rest of this three-day weekend finding a willing co-conspirator. Anyone located on Oahu willing to help out? (I mean girls; don't worry, you're identity will remain anonymous).

Anyone? Anyone?

Oh, sh¡t! I forgot! This post is probably NSFW. Please make a note of it.


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