Korea-related stuff
Ratio of households earning less than half the median family income reached 8.5% in 2008, the highest level since the economic crisis of 1997-98, when the rate was 14.8% (the Korea Herald has a similar story focusing on female-headed hosueholds)
- The Chosun Ilbo takes a sober look at the outcome of the recent ROK-US Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul
- The Korea Herald focuses on the possibility of closing down so-called "foreign language high schools" that are thought to fuel excessive spending on private tutoring
- The New York Times has a review of the 2008 movie Night and Day, starring Kim Youngho [김영호] and Park Eunhye [박은혜]
- A Korea Times focus on Itaewon's gay bar scene and how it caters to "sexual minorities"
Celebrated marathoner Lee Bongju [이봉주] ends his career with win in Taejŏn
- Foreign students (some of the kyopo?) hit the trifecta of drug arrests after getting caught with coke, meth, and pot
- Korea and Chile consider FTA revisions
- In the wake of the deaths (and possible murders) in a Sedona, Arizona, sweat lodge, the Wall Street Journal has a piece focusing on the dangers of self-help tactics
- Craigslist, called "the single largest source of prostitution in the nation," wins lawsuit aimed at forcing the online goods-and-services flea market to pull its "adult services" ads
- Nations in a race to build combat robots
- Dallas police issued dozens of tickets to people for not speaking English (HT to ZenKimchi)
- Mayumi Heene, mother of "Balloon Boy," reportedly says incident was a hoax (concocted by her control-freak husband?)

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