News links for October 10, 2009
Japanese PM Hatoyama and South Korean Pres Lee Myungbak meet in Seoul; vow no aid for Pyongyang unless North Korea disarms (NYT, BBC with video, Reuters, VOA, AP via WaPo, UPI, Yonhap)- President Lee heads for Beijing for three-way talks with Japanese and Chinese leaders (Yonhap)
- Statue of Great King Sejong is unveiled at newly revamped Kwanghwamun Plaza in central Seoul (Yonhap, AFP)
- Bank of Korea holds benchmark interest rate at 2% for eighth consecutive month; stocks close 1.94% higher (Bloomberg, WSJ, AP via WaPo, Yonhap)
- Sixty-eight-year-old man becomes South Korea's twelfth official death from H1N1 "swine flu" (Yonhap)
- State-run Korea National Oil Corp (KNOC) says it's eyeing five to ten oil companies overseas, each producing 50,000-100,000 barrels per day, for possible purchase; says an acquisition may be "soon" (Reuters)
- South Korean Ambassador to the US Han Ducksoo tells National Assembly that American ratification of the Korea-US FTA is possible after healthcare debate ends (Joongang Daily)
- Ghana defeats South Korea, 3-2, in U20 (under-twenty) World Cup, ending ROK's chance to move to semifinals (USA Today, BBC, Yonhap)
- The Swedish Academy awards Nobel Prize in Literature to Winona, Minnesota, third-grader Christine Wigen for her seminal work "Trudy, My Pet Turtle," citing the gifted young writer's great promise and depth of prose (AP via WaPo)
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